Who is this girl Elisa? What is she for? Does she talk? >>
Artificial intelligence in MyChat. Elisa the botWho is this girl Elisa? What is she for? Does she talk? >> A program for voice communication via the local networkWhere to find a messenger for voice and video calls in LAN for laptops and computers with Windows, Linux, and macOS with own server? >> A messenger compatible with Windows XPCollaboration between employees on Windows XP. A corporate messenger for all Windows systems with low system requirements regarding memory and hardware >> A chat on the ship: Android, iPhone and WindowsHow to configure communication in the open sea without no internet? Private server for a chat, calls, and file exchange, and applications for phones >> Private messenger on AndroidWhich messenger is the most secure for communication on Android? A private server that is not in the cloud, and does not depend on the internet >> Openfire and Spark — installation, the configuration in 2022. A review and recommendations on switching to another softwareReview on Openfire and its client Spark; description of issues and flaws; recommendations on switching to another messenger. Read more... Business chat during internet outageWhich messengers are most suitable for communication without an internet connection? Read more... APP OF THE DAY interview regarding MyChat developmentOleksii Pikurov's interview for APP OF THE DAY. Read more... Saving business messages from reptiloid invasionWhat messengers are best for business communication? How to avoid data breach in a company? Read more... Cybersecurity threats and recommendations in 2021What companies should know about cybersecurity trends in 2021? Read more... Secured voice and video calls over the internet and in local network via Wi-Fi 2021How to make voice and video calls and protect the information from breaching? Read more... Own server vs. cloud: choosing messenger for employee collaboration 2021Advantages and disadvantages of cloud services. How to choose collaboration software for your team in 2021? Read more... Corporate chat with domain authorizationHow to configure communication via chat with domain authorization. Read more... Messengers vs. online chats. What will be the best solution for your business?What criteria are important when choosing an engagement tool for your workflow? Read more... A free chat for a company: Network Assistant vs. MyChatA review of the Network Assistant program. Issues and disadvantages; recommendations regarding the replacement of this office messenger. Read more... A chat for the COVID-19 quarantine. Secure software for remote collaborationHow to keep safe communication with remote employees during the self-isolation period? Read more... How to stay connected if the Internet is turned off?This brief article gives a recommendation of what should be done in case of an Internet blackout at work. Read more... HTTP vs. FTPThis article is an attempt to describe the main differences between popular protocols for data exchange — FTP and HTTP. Read more... Enterprise messenger with own server. Replacing Bingo's Chat for MyChatIn this article, we review issues of a serverless chat for local networks and compare it with functions of other alternative software for internal communication within a company. Read more... A program for communication with employees. What is the alternative to SEChat?We took a look at a program for sharing messages and making calls in local networks SEChat. A comparison with other internal messengers. Read more... How to get exchange rates from Monobank to MyChat?Today, Dmytro Dubilet (a co-founder of the online bank "Monobank") published a post on his Telegram channel about Monobank Open API, and we decided to make a simple integration with our MyChat enterprise messenger. Read more... How to build own TURN server for WindowsThis article suits more for a blog, but I've decided to share this information in our articles section. I have not found any good article on this topic, or maybe I just can't search properly :( We, MyChat developers, are using the TURN server for Windows that I built back in 2015 when we started to develop calls in the chat. Now I want to update it. But I've faced the struggle with the repeated building of the TURN server. I did it before, but I completely forgot how. Read more... Free alternative for BORGChat local chatReview on BORGChat local network messenger. Problem solutions and comparison with other intraoffice software. Read more... A review about MyChat from FinancesOnlineMyChat Granted Premium Usability and Rising Star Recognitions for Collaboration Software by Platform for Saas Reviews Read more... A review about MyChat from GoodFirmsGoodFirms Accredits MyChat as the Best Collaboration Software in 2019 Read more... How to call from Egypt or why Skype, Viber, WhatsApp, or FaceTime does not work?What is a messenger to use in countries where Skype, WhatsApp, FaceTime, or Viber is blocked? Read more... Messenger without using a phone numberIn this article you will learn how to install a secure messenger for a company without binding to the phone number. Read more... Use of Facebook can lead to serious security breaches in your workplaceBrief review on the main news about information leak in the most used social network. Read more... Replacing ICQ or choosing the alternative messenger for enterprise communicationDisadvantages of the ICQ program for enterprise communication. Recommendations on replacing ICQ and choosing a self-hosted messenger for the interoffice collaboration. Read more... How to make a self-hosted enterprise messenger?How to make your own secure enterprise messenger that works on your server and does not depend on any Internet services. Read more... Broadcast messaging for employees with the help of enterprise messengerThe article tells about the possibility of sending broadcasts to employees with the help of inter-office corporate chat. Read more... Chat for the terminal serverIn this article, you will read about the peculiarities of corporate chat configuration in the server terminal environment. Read more... Bimoid personal messenger: problems with settings and updates. What enterprise messenger can be an alternative to this office chat?Issues of the Bimoid corporate chat. Review on disadvantages and comparison with other intra-office messengers. Read more... Cybersecurity and safe messaging in the workplaceThis brief article will help you to understand how significant is information security for companies and entrepreneurs. Recommendation on choosing a secure instant messaging software. Read more... V-Talking communication program: how to replace the chat with another enterprise software?Review on V-Talking office chat; description of problems and disadvantages, a recommendation for replacing this outdated corporate interoffice messenger. Read more... LAN Messenger does not work? Try MyChat corporate messengerIn this article we compared the functions, advantages, and disadvantages of LAN Messenger with MyChat. Read more... How does the Internet quality impact a corporate environment in Europe and the USA?In this brief article, you will learn about the current situation with the Internet quality in suburban areas in the USA and Europe and what network issues may cause stagnation of your working process. Read more... Instant LAN messenger or replacing the Vypress Chat office communication programIn this article, you will read about a real experience of using Vypress Chat office messenger. We described problems that users face when they decide to use this program in a company. Recommendations for moving to a secure and quality level of work of corporate communication. Read more... Skype alternative or choosing on-premise software for secure communicationWhy using Skype for corporate communications in a company network is a bad idea; why you shouldn’t link your business and security with cloud IM solutions; what are the Skype alternatives for a company network use. Read more... Local messenger or setting up MyChat to work via the InternetMyChat is an excellent program for communication and quick document exchange in the company's local network, but it can work via the Internet as well. You can bring geographically remote offices together and all employees will be able to communicate and exchange documents with each other in a closed and secured corporate chat. Read more... |