MyChat 2023.3 — a new Help

  1. Updated Help page
  2. Improvements for obscene words filter
  3. Full list of changes + development history
  4. How to update to the latest version?

1. Updated Help page

Full text search, new adaptive design for desktops, tablets, and smart phones. The Help is included in MyChat Server distributional file and works in a browser even if MyChat works in a closed corporate network without an external internet connection.

2. Improvements for obscene words filter

We made options for importing and exporting bad words for obscene words filter. When importing from a text file (UTF8 encoding), the common list is supplemented with new words.

Obscene words filter on MyChat Server

The filter itself became faster by two times approximately. Now we use a conference UID instead of names in the setting for exclusions. The reason is that a name can always be renamed which is not secure. Also, we added a limitation for a word size for an obscene words filter.

3. Full list of changes + development history

Development history with developers' comments

MyChat Client

[*] (win32) handling the situation when a client application is newer than a server version; added an error display in the account manager;
[*] (win32) redesigned the notification window about the error in the account manager (Alt+A);
[*] (win32) when connecting to the server causes a network error then the account manager displays full information about it;

[-] (win32) if an error occurs in the account manager during connection to the server it is blocked by a network error that deals with the server's emergency shutdown. Fixed;
[-] (win32) error when processing network errors in the account manager: an emergency shutdown displays "An error occurred" without explanation;
[-] (win32) after an invitation to a conference messages duplicate and an invited person does not join the conference until the next login or a server's restart;

MyChat Server

[+] exporting/importing lists of bad words for obscene words filter. When importing from a text file (in UTF8 encoding), the common list is supplemented with new words;
[+] added settings for hiding a robot in chat conferences in the section for setting templates on the server;

[*] if important notifications about MyChat features are off in the server's settings, then a minimum of three messages will be displayed regardless (support, android, ios);
[*] faster work of an obscene words filter;
[*] in the settings for conferences-exceptions for obscene words filter we use UID and not a conference name because it can be renamed;
[*] the symbols delimiters " .,"—/\|!;:()[]{}_=+-*&?#$%'" are not acceptable for obscene words filter. The database updates regularly and unacceptable words will be deleted;
[*] added a limitation for a word size for obscene words filter (maximum is 64 characters);

[-] adding a group and deleting a group from an auto-created conference and then trying to add the same group again causes the server to display an error. Fixed;
[-] error when creating a new conference and inviting several users to it from MyChat Client. The invitation does not send to online users but duplicates for a sender. Fixed;
[-] the constant %workposition% for displaying users according to certain conditions does not work in the server's templates. Fixed;
[-] incorrect determination of UIN in MyChat Guest service if an email is specified incorrectly during invite generation;
[-] (Admin) incorrect forming of QRCode in a user's profile. Fixed;
[-] some conferences were closed after updating the server. Fixed;
[-] PUSH tokens do not always delete when manually disconnecting iOS/Android devices from the server. Fixed.

4. How to update to the latest version?

Both commercial and free versions are updated in the same way. The server is updated first, then the clients. In general, this process is performed automatically.

Instruction for updating MyChat

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