- Removing limitations in a free version
- Troubleshooting
- Full list of changes + development history
- How to update to the latest version?
1. Removing limitations in a free version
We have removed the limitation of a 1-year free use and allowed to use encryption in MyChat Free Edition (MyChat Server is limited by 20 concurrent connections).
2. Troubleshooting
Moreover, we have fixed a lot of errors and flaws reported by our users during the last months. Also, we have managed to solve some performance and compatibility issues in various Linux systems
3. Full list of changes + development history
Development history with developers' comments
MyChat Client
[*] (win32) Ctrl+F in the message history window;
[*] (win32) removed limitation on encryption in a free version;
[*] (win32) removed the limitation of 1-year use in a free version;
[-] (win32) "UIN-1" in the chat default frame after successful login. Fixed;
[-] (win32) error ID: C83BC8D4 "List index out of bounds" when working with the history search. Fixed;
[-] (win32) the feature of displaying the chat on top of all windows during incoming messages in private dialogues and conferences works incorrectly. Fixed;
[-] (win32) broadcasts and multicast do not work in the contacts tab. Fixed;
[-] (ios) no sound in headphones during a media call. Fixed;
[-] (win32) error ID: DC64F599 ("Cannot make a visible window modal") occurs when viewing history and selecting the same account from the window with messages;
[-] (win32) error ID: 240A751B sometimes occurs when clicking on the message text elements in the chat;
MyChat Server
[*] when changing the composition of user groups that are included in auto-created conferences, it is no longer necessary to restart the server because user lists update instantly;
[-] (integration api) commands MCIAPI_CS_SendChannelMessage, MCIAPI_CS_SendPrivateMessage, and MCIAPI_CS_SendBroadcastMessage work incorrectly when specifying UIN=0 as a sender or not specifying it at all. Fixed;
[-] incorrect saving of the setting for limiting the minimum size of transferred files in the chat, the option "No limitations" does not work. Fixed;
[-] the Help page opens incorrectly in different languages in the main menu and the server's toolbar. Fixed;
[-] error when forming a list of users in a conference when they join it after the server restart. Fixed;
[-] (kanban) when choosing a tag during the task editing, the text [object Object] is displayed instead of tag names. Fixed.
4. How to update to the latest version?
Both commercial and free versions are updated in the same way. The server is updated first, then the clients. In general, this process is performed automatically.