MyChat Client application for Windows is available in different variants:


  1. Ready setup file with the server address for connection and automatic creation of a user with the name from Windows login that you can download directly from your MyChat Server, in a browser.
  2. Standard setup file in the archive; the installer inside is mcclient-vX-XX-X.exe.
  3. MSI package for installing the program in Active Directory, via GPO (the file mcclient.msi).
  4. Portable variant, without installation; the archive
  5. The setup file that is made on order: with ready settings and a set of plugins in the service MyChat Distrib Maker.


MyChat system requirements


How to work with MyChat Client for Windows?

Working with the program

MyChat Client abilities, tools, and how to use them.




Account manager

Managing user accounts and server addresses for connection.



Help page for the program configuration.


Main menu

Description of all menu options in MyChat Client for Windows.



Additional programs for MyChat Client: configuration, management. How to create own additions?


Console commands

Managing the client application and Mychat Server from a special console.



Integration with a browser for processing links like "mychat:"


Command line keys

Keys to run MyChat Client from a command line. Description.


First launch wizard

What is this tool, how does it works?


Problem solutions

Error messages, recommendations for solutions.