MyChat Client launch and automatic connection to the server with existing account.


It's helpful if several users are using the same computer and share the same Windows account.

You can register any number of accounts in MyChat Client and switch between them without using account manager. All you need is to run the program with specific parameters.


This method is helpful if you run the client with the help of various scripts. For example, by icons on the Desktop for convenience.


Notice! A user must connect successfully to MyChat at least one time to let the account and server data get to MyChat Client database. Only after this you can use the key "/profile" to choose its account.



"C:\Users\%USERNAME%\AppData\Local\NSS\MyChat Client\mcclient.exe" /exit

"C:\Users\%USERNAME%\AppData\Local\NSS\MyChat Client\mcclient.exe" /profile -login "alexander" -password "wefkaz243F3@h" -server ""


First line is used for shutting down a running MyChat Client, and second is for running the program with a specified account for connection.


Description parameters




user login or UIN. If it's a domain user you can specify a "domain/login";


user password. If you use an authentication without a password, skip it;


IP address, domain name or server's name that you need to connect. User account linked to a specified server.



A key does not work if you use a transparent authorization in Active Directory.


See also

mcclient.exe /exit