MyChat Client provides several modes for logging that are compatible with SysLog standard. When the program restarts, the default logging mode automatically turns on (info = 4).


LogLevel <type>



All levels are divided into 6 categories, from 1 to 6, and each has own text abbreviation.

For example, if you turn the level WARN, the log would write only level events 1, 2, and 3, and no more.

Two last modes are intended for troubleshooting and can generate quite a big amount of text.



fatal or 1

any error that causes the application or service to shut down to prevent data loss (or possible data loss). These are the hardest errors and situations when data loss or corruption is guaranteed;

error or 2

any error that is considered fatal for an operation but not for the service or application (can't open a file, no data, incorrect password, etc.) These errors require administrator supervision but do not cause fatal errors;

warn or 3

anything that can possibly cause weird behavior of the application, but which the program removes automatically or continues working without fatal errors (for example, switching from a main to a reserved server, repeat operation attempt, absence of additional data, etc.);

info or 4

helpful information for work. Information that is very handful but considered as not worthy of attention in regular conditions. This is the default level of logging;

debug or 5

extended diagnosis (IT personnel, system administrators, etc.);

trace or 6

"tracing", for detailed and deep troubleshooting that produces a lot of logs;

empty line

display current log mode.



Logs are displayed in MyChat Client's console (Ctrl+` or via the main menu "Tools", "Console").

Text version in UTF8 format is recorded to a file in a log folder for a current date, for example "%USERPROFILE%\MyChat Client\logs\2023\07\14\mcserv.log". Notice, that this file might not create if logs are disabled in the program settings (due to security measures, etc.).

If log levels 5 or 6 are on, the log records an extended timestamp including milliseconds.

To open the folders with logs in Explorer, use a console command "Logs".



[16:38:39] loglevel trace
[16:38:39] Log level: TRACE
[16:38:42] [TRACE] Input traffic (raw): 802200{"UIN":29051,"State":0}
[16:38:42] [TRACE] Input traffic (raw): 802200{"UIN":29051,"State":0}
[16:38:42] [TRACE] Input traffic (unpacked): {"UIN":29051,"State":0}
[16:38:47] [DEBUG] 000C{"Ticks":334874484}
[16:38:47] [TRACE] Output traffic (unpacked): 000C10{"Ticks":334874484}
[16:38:47] [DEBUG] message sent to server
[16:38:47] ping
[16:38:47] [TRACE] Input traffic (raw): 800F10{"Ticks":334874484}
[16:38:47] [TRACE] Input traffic (raw): 800F10{"Ticks":334874484}
[16:38:47] [TRACE] Input traffic (unpacked): {"Ticks":334874484}
[16:38:47] PONG! (125 мс)
[16:39:14] loglevel info
[16:39:14] Log level: INFO

See also




