If you have a trouble or a bug — please, write about it in this forum
Tassio Lima
Hi! I Am so sorry sending You my doubt in this forum, but I am new over here and didnt find someone to ask about this and where to post it!
First of all, I am interesting in this software, but when I installed I did some tests, and I realised onething about receiveing messenges when pop up in tray is disabled.
When the receiving messanges comes it only show me a small flash in the tray of Windows, near of the clock , when the chat box is closed. My question is: When I purchase the software can I config it to shows all receiving mesanges blinking in the task bar, like the lan messenger, for example?
It would be very necessary for my company, cause its so hard to see new mesanges only by the small flash in tray.
Thanks a lot and Hope You understand what I tried to explain here.
My best Regards.
Last edited by Tassio Lima on Sat Jun 19, 2021 7:04 am, edited 6 times in total.
Tassio Lima
By the way, I can Also translate the software to portuguese (Brazil). I was wondering if I can get the 20 conections for free helping on this. If You are interesting, please let me know.

Thanks a lot!
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Alona Kutsenko
Hello, Tassio!
First of all, what version of MyChat do you have?
Did you check the box for pop-up messages in MyChat Client settings? (See the screenshot below)
The settings for showing pop-up messages in the tray
msC7zHulNY.png (29.39 KiB) Viewed 6495 times

By the way, this feature works in the free version too.
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Alona Kutsenko
Tassio Lima wrote:By the way, I can Also translate the software to Portuguese (Brazil). I was wondering if I can get the 20 connections for free helping on this. If You are interesting, please let me know.

Sure :) Write to [email protected], and our developers will send you the localization files.

P.S. I've moved your questions into another thread, in the section "Questions".
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Alona Kutsenko
Tassio, what is the progress of your issue? :)