Any questions about MyChat: installation, tuning, licensing etc.
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Hi all,

I am very happy user of MyChat from last couple of months, anyway I have a few questions

- is there any way to have a server window minimized after my windows starting?
- is there any way to make this area invisible, check a photo
UOutLtO.png (8.11 KiB) Viewed 4243 times

- when I use "X" button to minimize the program - it doesn't work when I click on the far top right corner, I mean I need to be a little bit precise and there is no way to click on "far top right" corner of "X" button to minimize program, normally it works in other windows in MS Windows 8 / 10
4DGsCUW.png (588 Bytes) Viewed 4243 times

- is there any chance to load my own smileys? I have two which I would really have in MyChat.

Thanks for any advice,
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Alexey Pikurov

Thanks for the questions.

First of all, main rule: one question — one post. I modified your post and inserted images as attachments. (Read the rules regarding inserting images on the forum).
is there any way to have a server window minimized after my windows starting?

Yes, you can start MyChat Server as a system service. But you can't minimize MyChat Server window, running in GUI mode, unlike MyChat Client.
is there any way to make this area invisible, check a photo

No, but we are working on the new client design in 8.0 version.
when I use "X" button to minimize the program - it doesn't work when I click on the far top right corner, I mean I need to be a little bit precise and there is no way to click on "far top right" corner of "X" button to minimize program, normally it works in other windows in MS Windows 8 / 10

Maybe. But you can just press Esc button to hide MyChat Client window into tray. It is easier and more convenient, IMHO.
is there any chance to load my own smileys? I have two which I would really have in MyChat.

Yes, you can add new smilepacks, look at here: C:\Users\%USERNAME%\AppData\Local\MyChat Client\smileys\
1. Create new folder.
2. Put into new smiley files.
3. Make define.ini file with descriptions.
4. Restart MyChat Client and select your new smilepack.
5. Copy new smilepack to other MyChat Clients and restart them.
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Thanks for your post and advices! Really appreciate that

I managed to sort the smileys on my own way, thanks.

also is there any chance to completely disable server GUI mode? I don't need it, I only need server started, gui is not necessary
