Send us a letter to [email protected] with a detailed description of what happened.


1.MyChat version. Make sure, that you are using the latest version. Usually, the problem is already solved but a user works with the old version.


2.Describe the precise order of your actions that lead to a problem. What buttons you press (and in which order) to repeat the program wrong behavior.
A good example is a key to a quick solution. We have cases when our customer received a patch with fixes after a half of an hour because he explained everything what happened on his computer. We managed to repeat the problem and fixed it in short terms.


3.Provide us with a bug report file. MyChat has a built-in error report system. If something wrong happens in the program, a file with technical description is automatically created. It really helps when you search for errors.
Files with bug reports are stored in the folder:
Windows Vista, Windows Server 2008 and older: C:\ProgramData\MyChat Server\errors\*.el
Old OS (Windows XP, Windows Server2003): C:\Documents and Settings\All Users\Application Data\MyChat Server\errors\*.el


4. File with bug repots of the built-in server NodeJS: C:\Program Files (x86)\MyChat Server\node\server\CRASH.log